Favorite Hannah Picture

Favorite Hannah Picture
"Yes, the park!"

Hannah Ballerina

Hannah Ballerina

Play Time

Play Time
"Go super fast!"

Hannah's Room

Hannah's Room

Happier Hannah

Happier Hannah

Hannah sleeping 4-13-10

Hannah sleeping 4-13-10

Preschool Friend's Art

Preschool Friend's Art
Yeah! Friends!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Take that, Cancer!

Last week I was sure Hannah would make counts. She didn't. This week I was pretty sure she would make it. I worried, anyway. After all, I was just wrong. Three weeks of no chemo is too much.

Waiting for the ANC number to come back at her appointment this afternoon was miserable. Infact, I have been miserable to be around for this entire week, I would imagine. Waiting is, So. Really. Hard.

The doctor came in the first time, and said the numbers weren't back yet. Then, she examined Hannah and asked me a ton of questions. I couldn't think! I couldn't give answers! I needed to have the numbers! Finally, she left (she is very nice and I like her, I was just moody) and Hannah watched a cartoon while we waited for those annoyingly pesky numbers. If Hannah's ANC was above 750, she could start chemo today. She would begin the Interim Maintenance 2, phase. Anything lower than 750 was going to be a problem.

Ten minutes later the doctor came back, opened the door, looked at me, smiled, and nodded. Here is what I did inside my head.

Her ANC was at 1566!! Yeah baby! We headed right over to the infusion room for chemo. Hannah is back to fighting cancer and I am, hopefully, going to sleep tonight!

Here is a picture of Hannah as Miss. Speedracer. She was at her dad's on Wednesday and the two of them did some racing. Hannah, in this cool seat, while pretending to drive along with a pink and purple race car game. Her dad says she is the future of motorsports. She had a total blast. Hannah adores this sort of thing. I have to admit, Alex might be right about the motorsports. I am going to go gray early, I can tell.


  1. Yaaaaaaaay! Fantastic news! Hope the next round of chemo goes well and you can all breathe a little easier. Well done Hannah! xx

  2. YAYYYYYYY! So pleased! That's fantastic news. So pleased you can get on with the treatment. Brilliant pic xx

  3. great news!!! she looks so cute in her big race car seat :)

  4. I know right!!! I am so proud of her. I know she can't control making ANC, but really, to go from 458 to 1566! Wow!
    Thank you, guys for your support. :-D

  5. Oh, Jess! I tried the Voss water. Not bad, tastes like water. :-) You gotta let the Voss people in on the icicle idea. It works!

  6. OH, I'm crying happy tears for you right now.

    What a Christmas gift.

    This is wonderful.

    Those numbers are beautiful.

    Yay for you, mama, yay for you.

    You needed this to happen.

  7. 3 cheers for Hannah's high numbers!!! Never thought I'd be so excited to see a specific set of numbers ;-)

    SO happy for her and you! We will keep praying!

  8. It was great hanging with you guys on Wednesday. I really enjoyed the time seeing Hannah with some energy, and cuddling with Taylor. The dinner was AWESOME too!

    I'm thrilled for this good news.

  9. what a fabulous gift for Christmas. Keep fighting.
    Happy Christmas to you both and best wishes and love the coming year.
    Gemma as in Helloitsgemma

  10. What a wonderful blog. Just stopping by for a visit - sorry for taking so long. Thanks for popping by mines. Loved your comment!

    Hooray for Hannah! So glad she will be able to start chemo again and continue the figh t. Wishing her (and her Mommy) the very best during this holiday season.

  11. Hi - just discovered your blog. How moving. You know, just scrolling through the pictures at the top, I was moved. They're really well done and well ordered, the way they go from victorious Hannah to Hannah in bed, and then more cheerful etc. The pictires are a journey, and your words, too. Best of luck and Happy Christmas to Hannah.

  12. GO HANNAH! For some reason I can't see the photo but am doing my best to imagine it.

    Long may the good news continue.
