Favorite Hannah Picture

Favorite Hannah Picture
"Yes, the park!"

Hannah Ballerina

Hannah Ballerina

Play Time

Play Time
"Go super fast!"

Hannah's Room

Hannah's Room

Happier Hannah

Happier Hannah

Hannah sleeping 4-13-10

Hannah sleeping 4-13-10

Preschool Friend's Art

Preschool Friend's Art
Yeah! Friends!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

This week's update

So, we did not make it under the 5% of cancer cells left in her body, that we were really hoping for. This puts her into a high risk category, which means her prognosis is lower than it was before. This also means that she will be undergoing a much more intense chemo treatment than before. If the next test on May 7, does not show her to be under 1% of cancer cells left in her body her chances of survival are 2 to 4 percent. I'm sure we are going to make it through this next hurdle, but few more prayers couldn't hurt!

The good news is that this week has been a huge turn around for Hannah emotionally. We have settled into a good hospital routine and she no longer seems so scared of everyone there. On Wednesday she was even making small talk with the Dr.! This is previously unheard of, as she would either cry or growl at them. At home, she is being her sweet, funny self. Granted, she is still very tired and in pain often, but in a good mood. We got a care package from her preschool that really cheered her up. They sent many toys and activities, but the thing that she loved the most was, all the hand written cards and the huge banner! She told the nurses about that. She loves the presents that everyone has sent. I want to thank all of you. The toys and color books have really helped in tough moments to give her something to be happy about.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Update 4-26-10

Hannah's latest test results are in and they're not good. I don't have particulars from Carrie. She was unable to get into details, but Hannah is responding slowly to the chemo. They are going to have to move her to a more aggressive chemo therapy. This is going to reduce Hannah's survival rate. We will not know more until Hannah gets more tests on Wednesday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, 4/23/2010

Hi all,
Hannah had a bone marrow aspiration(BMA) done today. That is a procedure where they put her to sleep then take a sample of bone marrow from the back of her pelvic bone. They check the marrow to see what percent of leukemia cells are left inside her. This helps the doctors find out if the chemo at it's current dose is working or if they need to go with a more aggressive treatment. The previous BMA revealed that her cancer cells were still at 30%. If today's check is not under 5%, Hannah will have to be put on the more aggressive chemo. Please, cross your fingers, or say a prayer for us. We will find out Monday.
Other than that, her ANC (bateria fighting white cells, that determine her overall immunity) are still under 200. It is at 130, so we still have to go to the hospital every day or every other day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Carrie's Update on Hannah, April 21, 2010

Hannah is no longer an impatient at Children's. We will continue her cancer treatment as outpatients for two and a half years. That is, unless she gets too sick or a fever, then they will readmit us. We have been to clinic,(Children's cancer treatment area) every day since we were released. Hannah's ANC numbers, (that is the amount of bacteria killing white blood cells that determine what immunity levels) are so very low that we have to continue to go to clinic often so that they can check her blood levels and to make sure she doesn't get a fever. We are doing crazy amounts of hand washing and germ killing! Clinic is sometimes very painful for Hannah and the chemo treatments are very hard on her body. She has been having leg and back pains that keep her awake most nights and lots of nausea. Her toes go numb now and then, which she calls, sprinkle toes.
She has had a port placed in the tissue just under the skin on her chest. This goes into a large vessel near her heart so that they had draw blood and give chemo or other medicine without having to use the small veins in her hands or arm. At first accessing the port,( putting in the neddle) was very painful and scary for Hannah, but she is getting better at it.
At our clinic visit yesterday Hannah got a much needed platelet transfusion and we also found out that her ANC numbers had gone from 40 to 140! A normal persons numbers would be in the thousands. She has to be above 200 to be out of the danger zone and above 500 to be out in public, like restaurants and grocery stores.
At today's clinic we found out that she has gained a little weight (yeah!) and kept her ANC numbers at 139.
I would really like to thank everyone who has called and emailed me such nice messages. I am not always able to get right back, or not at all depending on how crazy things are, or how emotional the day is, but they do mean so much. For some reason those nice emails always seem to come right when I need them most. This has been just earth shattering for me and I really appreciate all the prayers and support. I will try and get quick updates to this blog as often as I can.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Update 4-13-10

Here is the latest Hannah update:

Hannah (Carrie) had a difficult day yesterday, another spinal tap, and inpatient status is indefinite; she was very angry about this. Today was better, though her red blood cells (RBC), platelets (P), and ANC went into danger territory, her cancer cells dropped from 2276 to 117! She is receiving RBC & P transfusions (8 hours) to offset her levels. ANC, fevers, and other conditions will keep her at Children's until they sufficiently improve.