I haven't updated for awhile and I do apologise. We have had a couple of big changes in our lives.
We moved. After five years in a, not bad sized, apartment we moved to a house. We needed the space and in the end it actually costs me less. The house has a rainbow play structure (wood swing/slide/fort set) in the backyard and no down stairs neighbors! That is a pretty big deal for us. Hannah's room has Barbie pink walls and the boys got a cool blue-gray color that they love. (Thank you, Steve!!) Everyone loves being in a house. Hannah jumps on the floor now and then, just 'cause she can and it is funny every time.
It took us a bit of time to get used to the idea that we could go outside. Of course, we KNEW we could, but it seemed to take awhile to have our brains route the yard as usable, accessible space. Now, the kids and I are out there often.
Hannah has been extremely good at following the rules for playing outside. There are lots of things that are off limits and that is hard. She can, however, water plants and play on the swing set. She has barbie gardening gloves and hat that she wears to over-water all my flowers. For her, it's heaven and let's be real, that is worth ruining those flowers right now.
For me, moving has been insane. The house and yard need a ton of work. That and my actual work have been very consuming and slightly stressful recently.
The main thing stressing me out was finding a nanny for Hannah. I had been searching for just the right person to stay with Hannah during the non-hospital days while I work. That is so much harder than it sounds.
Fortunately, I have had wonderful friends and family who helped me out until now, but I needed to find someone permanent. I had to find not only someone who was qualified to take care of a child currently undergoing treatment for cancer, but someone willing/able to do the job consistently, with kindness and patience. Oh, and did I mention, someone who would do this for less than a million dollars? Which, it seems, is the going rate. Just ask any nanny agency, I talked to them all. That is a small exaggeration.
Anyway, I did finally find someone. She is very kind, loves my three kids (they are pretty fun), and helps me not worry as much while I am working.
On the Hannah cancer front, she is doing OK. We don't have to go the hospital as much in this phase of treatment, so that is nice. The chemo drugs she is on have lasting effects that make her nauseous, cranky, tired, and have leg and feet pain. She isn't eating near enough and we have weight check again this Friday. So, other than that things are perfect. :-)