So, in the waiting room today, two boys were running around a little table playing with cars. They were loudly laughing and having fun. It is a sight almost unseen at clinic.
Hannah was mesmerized. We sat at the coloring table until she was brave enough to ask one of the boys to play. Disaster. Rejected and quick. He told her to go back to the coloring table. Super harsh. I wanted to hurt that kid for a moment. Don't judge me! She came back, sat down, and fought the tears.
I suggested we go play with the spinning, ball contraption that everyone loves. We went over there but she just couldn't quit watching them play.

Then, the mean boy left.

I asked if she wanted to try again.
The approach

Success! He wants to play!

Playing quietly at first

Now we're having fun!!

How awesome is that? Hannah didn't let that mean kid get her too down. That girl has got spunk. I love her spirit. I love the fact that my phone has a camera and I loved watching her have some fun!